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Only Honest Things Will Last

الأشياء الصادقة تدوم الأشياء " الصادِقة " فقط هي التي تَستمر الأشخاص و المَشاعر و الإهتِمام جميعُها لو إنقطعت ؛ فـَاعلموا أنها كانت منذ البِداية كَذِباً وإدعاء تعلموا أن الإستمرار والثبات فقط للصادقين فأحسنوا الإختيار في كل شيء ؛ حتي لا تتوجعوا بالفقد

فن اللامبالاة

ملخص كتاب فن اللامبالاة للكاتب مارك مانسون


Today we want to talk about Asperger's Syndrome.

مقدمة مسلسل أرابيسك

حسن فؤاد في تتر مقدمة مسلسل أرابيسك

Make this recipe in 5 minutes

If you have 2 EGGS and 1 cup of Oats, make this recipe, Eat plenty and stay lean

موسيقى مسلسل دموع في عيون وقحة

أداء محمد حاتم

Total Lunar Eclipse 2022

Watch Live: Total Lunar Eclipse 2022 : Super Blood Moon Eclipse

سؤال الملائكة أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء

كيف عرفت الملائكة أن البشر سيفسدون في الأرض

Any Time Of Great Pain Is A Time Of Transformation

تحولات في حياة المتعاطف تدل على الشفاء التام من العلاقة السامة

معاك ريال

فيلم فتافيت السكر هانم

Goose parade In Road

Geese on parade in Odense

تتر مسلسل راجعين يا هوى غناء الفنان مدحت صالح

أغنية حنيت للبيت.. غناء الفنان مدحت صالح

Yesterday When I Was Young

Yesterday When I Was Young - Charles Aznavour Lyrics: [Verse 1] Yesterday when I was young The taste of life was sweet as rain upon my tongue I teased at life as if it were a foolish game The way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame The thousand dreams I dreamed, the splendid things I planned I always built, alas, on weak and shifting sand I lived by night and shunned the naked light of day And only now I see how the years ran away [Verse 2] Yesterday, when I was young So many drinking songs were waiting to be sung So many wayward pleasures lay in store for me And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out I never stopped to think what life was all about And every conversation I can now recall Concerned itself with me, me and nothing else at all [Verse 3] Yesterday the moon was blue And every crazy day brought something new to do I used my magic age as if it were a wand And never saw the waste and e

شاورما الدجاج

طريقة عمل شاورما الدجاج 🔆 في المنزل

مقارنة بين القلايات الهوائية

فيليبس - كينوود - ميانتا

الإمام الشعراوي يروي قصة عجيبة

قصة عجيبة جداً عن فتاة خانت زوجها فجاءها في منامها

Delicious Fish

The most tender recipe 👩‍🍳 Fish that Melts in Your Mouth Watch Video

Bread in 10 minutes

No oven 🔆 This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten

Fried Chicken With Onions

Do not grill or boil 🔆 fry it with onions, a quick and new recipe


INNA - Up Up Lyrics [Verse 1] Once upon a time, there was a girl who made a wish To find herself a love and finally make a switch Then you came around, you healed another stitch And I'm glad about that, I can finally make the switch [Pre-Chorus] And I know, yeah I know Many would like to be in my shoes And I know, yeah I know With you, I got nothin’ to lose [Chorus] When I’m down, you can bring me up Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p And when I’m hurt, you know I don’t need much You can use that magic touch When I’m down, you can bring me up Up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p, up-p-p And when I’m hurt, you know I don’t need much You can use that magic touch [Post-Chorus] You can use that magic touch You can use that magic touch [Verse 2] I was running all the time, babe, you came and slowed me down It’s me, myself and you now, I'm levitating off the ground And when you came around, you healed another stitch I was lost, but now you found me, I can fina

Narcissists Know Their Behavior is Wrong

They know that their behavior is wrong, but they don't care

Floating Trash Can

Only People Who Have Been Inside Too Long See This Trash Can As Floating If you're somehow not sure if you've got a bad case of cabin fever, one way to tell if it's hitting you hard is with this optical illusion. The picture, which was posted on Reddit, just shows a trash can, but if you've been inside too long, the trash can sure looks like it's floating to you. Of course, trash cans can't levitate and this one is no exception - it is firmly on the ground, right next to a puddle that causes the illusion since it looks like a shadow. If you're having trouble un-seeing the flying bin, try covering the puddle with your hand and it'll put your brain at ease. Photo: Reddit

She paid more than any adult could pay

The innocence of children is their wisdom, the simplicity of children is their egolessness

Incredible Reaction

Bulldog Has Incredible Reaction To Actress In Trouble

Paddle boarder's encounter with curious whales

Curious southern right whale nudges paddleboarder in Argentina Guardian News A rare encounter was caught on video at Puerto Madryn, Argentina when a southern rIght whale seemingly plays with a woman on a paddleboard and pushes the board gently forward, observing its movement as it swims directly beneath it. "They are rare moments, it is something that is prohibited," said Oscar Comes, a local water-sports tourism operator. "It isn't like you can go in a kayak, standup board, a boat, or whatever, to look for the animal."

Animals Grieve Too

Cat Appears During Man’s Funeral Acting Strangely Cats grieve as humans do Cats exhibit their own signs of mourning, and typically, they show their sense of loss. (Video Screenshot | ViralHog)

المبادىء لا تتجزء

George Bernard Shaw في إحدى الحفلات، جلست إمرأة فاتنة بجانب الكاتب الشهير جورج_برنارد_شو ، فهمس في أذنها :ـ هل تقبلين أن تقضي معي ليلة مقابل مليون جنيها ؟!!ـ إبتسمت و ردّت في إستحياءٍ :ـ طبعا.. بكل سرورـ عاد وسألها مرة ثانية بعدما إقتنع برضاها، هل من الممكن أن نخفّض المبلغ إلى عشر جنيهات؟!!ـ فغضبت و صرخت في وجهه :ـ من تظنني أكون يا هذا..؟!!ـ فقال :ـ سيدتي.. نحن عرفنا من تكونين، نحن فقط إختلفنا في قيمة الأجر..!!ـ وقد أدرج هذه القصة الساخرة في مذكراته، مشبهاً إياها بما يحصل ...حيث تتغير المواقف عند الإنتهازيين بناءً على من يدفع أكثر، فإذا إنخفض أجرهم إنقلبوا إلى المعارضة وحدّثونا عن المبادىء والشرف..!ـ

Cutest Rabbit


How Filter Bubbles Isolate You

What is a filter bubble? Isolating your online experience In this video, you’ll learn more about how filter bubbles work to automatically curate content for you when you're online. Read more

Currently Erupting Volcanoes - Kilauea

New Kilauea Volcano Eruption Source: VolcanoDiscovery

The Map of Doom

There Are Many Potential Global Catastrophes

Exposing The Narcissist

خمسة عشر علامة للشخصية النرجسية إلى كل نرجسي رجل أم إمرأة أين المفر؟ لقد بدأت الأقنعة تتساقط الواحدة بعد الأخرى وفي كل يوم ستزداد الضحايا قوة لتنهيك إلى الأبد

Currently Erupting Volcanoes - La Palma

How dangerous is La Palma volcano? Source: VolcanoDiscovery

حنعيش ونشوف

من مسلسل إلا أنا - لينا شاماميان

Is Earth's Magnetic Field Flipping?

Polar Shift What Will Happen When Earth's North And South Pole Flip? Earth's magnetic field is what protects our planet from harmful space radiation. However, our protective shield might soon go into a transformation that could threaten the lives on Earth.

Confessions of a Narcissistic Victim

إعترافات ضحية إمرأة نرجسية إعترافات رجل كان ضحية لزوجة نرجسية جعلته يعيش أسوأ أيام حياته موسوعة علم النفس مع ماجدة

Narcissists' Relationship With Their Children

ما هو تعريف الحب عند الأب والأم النرجسيين وما تأثيره على تربية أولادهم ونفسياتهم باقي عمرهم؟ هل النرجسي يحب أولاده؟ هل النرجسي يحب أساسا؟ لماذا يتزوج النرجسي برغم أنانيته الشديدة؟ ما هي فائدة الأبناء في عالمه؟ وهل يستطيع حب أولاده حب حقيقي صحي وغير مشروط؟ قائمة حلقات النرجسي والحب قائمة حلقات النرجسي داخل الأسرة قائمة حلقات أنواع الإيذاء النرجسي قائمة حلقات حيل التلاعب والخداع النرجسي قائمة حلقات النرجسية والدراما قائمة النرجسي في المناسبات قائمة حلقات كشف الكذب النرجسي قائمة حلقات التعافي من علاقة نرجسية قائمة حلقات مهارات نفسية مهمة

The Right Motivator Can Inspire The Narcissist To Change

Unconditional Love Cannot Change A Narcissist Exposing The Narcissist Narcissists are creatures of habit. Changing does not come easy and many people think it is impossible. But Narcissists can get better. They just need the right motivator.


أسمـــــاء الله الحســــنى

رصيدك خلص


Narcissists Are Opportunists

Why Narcissists Seem To Always Have An Advantage?! Exposing The Narcissist Success, money and power that narcissists want come at a price and they are willing to sacrifice everyone and everything to get these things. What it is that gives Narcissists an Advantage Why it's a bad quality for Narcissists to have Narcissists are willing to sacrifice everything to get what they want How Narcissists convince us that it is for our benefit

Largest Comet In History Enters The Solar System

Do We Need Asteroid App on our Smartphones to Follow Up What is Going On Space! Is This The End? Space is full of diverse objects we don’t know much about. That’s why they capture our interest every time we spot them. But with this thrill often comes fear, especially whenever there’s a comet heading toward us. It's no surprise, we haven't got a clue on how to stop an asteroid or comet from hitting the planet.

Delicious Recipes

Mix The Eggs With The Zucchini, Ready In A Few Minutes

Growing Fig Tree

How to Grow a Fig Tree from a Cutting

Wood Stove With New Oven

Creative Ideas From Cement and Non-Iron Barrels

Vaccines Alone Won't Stop Delta Variant

US Epidemiologist Explains Why Vaccines Alone Won't Stop Delta

How Narcissists Distract Themselves From Their Misery

Covert Narcissists Use These To Escape Their Misery Exposing The Narcissist Distraction No.1 Distraction No.2 Distraction No.3

The Cheater

كيف يدربك النرجسي على تقبل خيانته Sahar El-Nadi

Misery Loves Company

Another Way Narcissists Manipulate Us Exposing The Narcissist There are some things Narcissists say to excuse their behaviour. These phrases can be red flags to look out for when trying to spot toxic people.

Surah AlDukhan

سورة الدخان بصوت إسلام صبحي