
Showing posts from July, 2020

What Men Want

Mary Gallagher - Flappers Comedy Club

Al Jinn

072 - Surah Al Jinn by Mishary Al Afasy (iRecite)

Epoxy Resin Art Jewelry Pendant

Resin art Amazing red shining Curvy Pendant jewelry

Thirsty Squirrel

Thirsty squirrel begging for water melts millions of hearts

Testing the Quran Miracles

Testing the Quran Miracles and Natural Phenomena

Is Artificial Intelligence really 'intelligent'?

The Article Is Artificial Intelligence really 'intelligent'?

Shadow, and the Dangers of Psychological Projection

Carl Jung, the Shadow, and the Dangers of Psychological Projection

Greed - DW Documentary

Money, happiness and eternal life - Greed

Most Common Abusers' Tactics

One of the most common tactics that abusers use to extort the trust of others is to play hero or savior. They'll recognize a need that you have or some kind of crisis in your life and they will swoop in to save the day. One of the most common tactics that abusers use to extort the trust of others is to play hero or savior. They'll... Posted by Inner Integration on  Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Never throw away scraps of plywood!

Make a cool idea!

The Purpose of Life

The Purpose of Life - Jeffrey Lang

Meet Buckwheat

Meet Buckwheat, the donkey you can hire to crash Zoom meetings

Flying Monkeys

What are "flying monkeys"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)

Buck Moon

Full 'buck moon' dazzles in Washington DC sky The third Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of the year 2020 on 5th July 2020 The full moon, also known as the 'buck moon' was dazzling in the skies. The phenomenon occurs when the moon is located on the opposite side of Earth to the sun.

سر ليوناردو دافنشي

سر ليوناردو دافنشي | وثائقية دي دبليو – فيلم وثائقي الموناليزا هي اللوحة الأشهر على الإطلاق في العالم. ولكنْ من هي الشخصية التي تظهر في عمل ليوناردو دافنشي الفني؟ هناك إشارتان إلى هوية السيدة الشابة الغامضة، ولكن كل منها تنفي الأخرى، فهل يمكن حل اللغز؟ سنويا يتمعن ملايين الزوار في اللوحة المعروضة في متحف اللوفر الشهير في باريس. لكن ما الذي يميز موناليزا؟ ومنْ هي تلك التي تختفي خلف الوجه الباسم والحزين في الوقت نفسه؟ منْ وقفت أمام ليوناردو لكي يرسمها؟ أم أنها شخصية متخيَّلة للجمال المثالي؟ منذ قرون ينشغل الخبراء بهذه الأسئلة، ويبدو أن هناك ثمة أدلة في تفسيرين، كلاهما موثق في الكتب، ولكن كل واحد منهما ينفي الآخر. تعود الفرضية الأكثر اعترافا إلى كاتب السيرة غيورغو فازاري، وتقول بإن اللوحة تجسد ليزا غيوكوندو، زوجة تاجر الحرير الفلورنسي فرانسيسكو ديل غيوكوندو الذي كلف ليوناردو برسمها في عام 1503، لكنها تتناقض مع ملاحظة للمؤرخ أنطونيو دي بيتيس من عام 1517 والتي يذكر فيها ليوناردو دافنشي أنه رسم اللوحة بناءً على رغبة غيوليانو دي مديتشي، وهو صورة خيالية لباسيفيكا برانداني، عشيقة غيول

Cactus Fruit

Learn how cactus fruit is harvested and made into puree! The cactus fruit is a delicious and nutritious fruit with important pharmaceutical and cosmetic benefits.

A bird capturing a massive shark-like fish

A video of a bird capturing a massive shark-like fish is going viral for its resemblance to 'Sharknado' Huge bird of prey catches shark-like fish on beach Onlookers on Myrtle Beach were stunned by the sight of an osprey clutching a large fish, soaring high above them. Footage shot by Tennessee native Ashley White shows the fish still wriggling around trying to escape, as the bird carries it high above the beach.

Thank You for Being Late

Thomas L. Friedman: "Thank You for Being Late" Thomas L. Friedman, three times Pulitzer Prize winner and award winning NYT columnist joined us in London to discuss his new work, which looks to understand the tectonic movements that are reshaping the world today and how to get the most out of them. We all sense it - something big is going on. You feel it in your workplace. You feel it when you talk to your children. You can't miss it when you read the newspapers or watch the news. Our lives are speeding up - and it is dizzying. In Thank You for Being Late, a work unlike any he has attempted before, Thomas L. Friedman exposes the tectonic movements that are reshaping the world today and explains how to get the most out of them. Friedman's thesis is that to understand the twenty-first century, you need to understand that the planet's three largest forces - Moore's law (technology), the market (globalization) and Mother Nature (climate change and biodiver