
Showing posts from May, 2021


FIGHT TO SURVIVE - Craig DeMartino

The Open Window

Painted in 1922 By Elizabeth Vaughan Okie Paxton - American , (1878-1972)

A train ride through American history

New Orleans to New York - DW

Crazy Moose

Crazy Moose Challenging A Train Almost every mammal and many other animals have the same instinct of confrontation, they used to test that instinct especially the young ones❗


شكراً من القلب - طارق حامد - فيحاء القضاة شكراً من القلب شكراً لمن يفهم صمتنا قبل الكلام شكراً لكل من يرفعنا عندما نتعب ونوشك على السقوط شكراً لكل من يفتقدنا إذا غبنا شكراً لكل من يلهمنا عندما نفقد الشغف شكراً لكل من آمن بنا حتى عندما فقدنا الثقة شكراً لمن يجد رفقتنا جميلة حتى عندما يتملكنا الملل واليأس شكراً لمن رأْىٰ قبحنا جمالاً وعيوبنا ميزات فتجاوز عن العثرات ومد إلينا جسراً من المحبة كلما قطعناه وصله شكرآ لكل من يصرّون على أن نبقى أفضل نسخة من أنفسنا

Radical Acceptance

Radical Acceptance - Aileen - Lavendaire

Fatherhood Rights

Fatherhood Rights - Marilyn York

China defeated the U.S. in the 2020 “Biological War”

Watch: Chinese Researcher Chen Ping declares that China defeated the U.S. in the 2020 “Biological War” and put America ‘back in its place’ His main argument is that the Western model has failed, the 500-year maritime civilization is doomed, the #CCP has won and "will lead the way of the modernization in the new era after the biology revolution" after the 2020 #CCPVirus #COVID19 pandemic. — Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 (@jenniferatntd) May 18, 2021

Infatuation vs Love

Infatuation vs Love - Don't Confuse the TWO!


Sediments In Human Relationships العلاقات البشرية فيها شيئ اِسمه رواسب هذه الرواسب تتكون داخلنا بعد كُل عتاب لا فائدة منه بعد كُل مشكلة كبرت ولا يوجد لها حل بعد كُل مرة تخاصمنا دون أن نجد من يصالحنا بعد أن غرنا عليهم ولم يفهموا غيرتنا وحقروها وبعد أن كذبوا ألف مرة والحقيقة كانت واضحة وضوح الشمس وبعد أن استهانوا بنا مرات ومرات هذه الرواسب تكثر وتتراكم داخلنا فتجعل الكلمة الحلوة ترفض الخروج من أفواهنا وتكسر أنفسنا فنؤثر الصمت Human relationships have something called "sediments". These sediments form inside us after every reproach that is useless, after each problem has grown up and has no solution, after each time we quarrel without finding someone who reconciles us, after we were crazy jealous and they did not understand our jealousy and despise it, and after that they lied a thousand times, while truth was crystal clear, and after they underestimated us again and again .. These sediments increase and accumulate inside us, making the sweet words refuse to leav

الحب الحقيقي - لعبة نيوتن

True Love - Game of Newton - Best Scene

Playing Cards

Playing Cards With His Painting - Vladimir Volegov The painting is by Russian artist Vladimir Volegov playing cards with one of his paintings !! Where the girl sitting with him looks as if she is participating in the game! This painting is considered one of the most accurate realistic paintings of this artist, as he uses his tremendous talents in lighting,shading and intensification (look closely at the girl's eyes and the reflection of sunlight on her face and hair) to make the painting come alive ...