
Showing posts from June, 2020

How To Grow Chrysanthemum

How To Grow Chrysanthemum from seeds Step by Step

Real saffron can cost you over $10,000 per kilo

Here's what makes it so expensive

Ocean Exploration

Deep-sea explorers discovered creatures at the bottom of the ocean

Tanzanian miner becomes millionaire overnight

Tanzanian miner becomes millionaire overnight - World News

كيف نحصل على بفتيك طري

طريقة عمل البفتيك اللبناني

Law Of Attraction

The Secret to Making Law of Attraction Work For You How to make the law of attraction work for you and how it can change your life!

Why do narcissists get married?

Why do narcissists get married? - Dr. Ramani They get married because: They need a slave, they need a supply, they need a source to hit their anger and frustration. They need to show their power, to show their possession of control, a weapon to achieve their selfish desires. This is endless, in a nutshell there is no marriage with them, its a hell.

Baby Reacts to Dad's Singing

Dad sings to daughter with ukulele

What Narcissists Say Vs. What They Really Mean

What Narcissists Say Vs. What They Really Mean - Jess Stanley Decoding what a narcissist says can really make you rethink your relationship. It can also give you a lot of answers because by nature a lot of things narcissists say make NO sense.

13 Signs You Are Having Sex with a Narcissist

NARCISSISTS AND SEX Are you dealing with a narcissist and suspect he or she is using sex as a method of abuse? If you were wondering about how a narcissist makes love, the consequences of rejecting a narcissist or how sex and personality disorders are related, this video has the answers. Whether you are dealing with a covert narcissist, grandiose narcissist or malignant narcissist, narcissists and sex are very much intertwined.

حديث الروح

قصيدة حديث الروح إلقاء أم كلثوم | للشاعر محمد إقبال كتبت الأخت ليلى صالح من العراق قصيدة " حديث الروح " لحنها فيلسوف النغم " رياض السنباطي " ومن نظم شاعر باكستان الكبير د. " محمد إقبال " والتي قد قام بجهد ترجمتها إلى العربية الشاعر الكبير " الصاوي شعلان " ( 1902 -1982 ) لابد لي ولزيادة معلوماتنا عن هذه القصيدة والجهد الرائع الذي بذله شاعرنا البصير هذا أن أوفي حقه في جزالة نقلها إلى العربية .. فبعد النجاح المذهل لرباعيات الخيام والتي ترجمها أحمد رامي عن الفارسية ، طاب للسيدة أم كلثوم أن تغني للشاعر محمد إقبال ، شاعر باكستان الكبير وكان هذا الكلام في منتصف الستينيات من القرن الماضي وقد وقع الاختيار على قصيدة دينية فلسفية رائعة وهي في حقيقتها قصيدتين هما ( شكوى ) و ( جواب الشكوى ) فاختارت أم كلثوم أبياتا من القصيدتين جمعتهما في أغنية واحدة أسمتها: حديث الروح وحكاية ترجمتها هي أنها أوكلت ذلك للصاوي شعلان باعتباره شاعرا ، وخريجا لقسم اللغات الشرقية في جامعة القاهرة ، ويجيد اللغتين الفارسية والأوردية التي هي لغة إقبال الأم ، لكنه لم ي

What He Says Vs. What He REALLY Means

What He Says Vs. What He REALLY Means - Matthew Hussey

Tool of the Puppet Master

Gaslighting as a tool of the Puppet Master There are many men who are victims of abuse. And they don’t even know it, although they can acutely feel the effects of this abuse. That's because the type of abuse they suffer is not overt like say physical or verbal abuse. The abuse I’m referring to has a name - it's called Gaslighting.

Complaining does not solve problems

The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for.

Horse runs back into the fire to get his family

Heroic horse charges towards fire to rescue his family in California

Learning to like yourself

My mad fat diary, learning to like yourself scene The other way you could look back and see the exact moment your life started to come together the end of that beginning, was the moment you knew everything was about to change.

Will I Become a Narcissist?

هل تتحوّل الضحية إلى نرجسي بعد علاقة سامة؟


Narcissists are toxic in general but there is one kind that is more intimidating, potentially more violent and more traumatic to deal with than the others

World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day

اليوم العالمي للتوعية بالإيذاء النرجسي